Experience | - Teaching: 7 years 9 Months
Publications | - Prabhakar, P.; Thomas, T., "Finger Vein Identification Based on Minutiae Feature Extraction with Spurious Minutiae Removal," Advances in Computing and Communications IEEE (ICACC), 2013 Third International Conference on , vol., no., pp.196,199, 29-31 Aug. 2013.
- Preethy Prabhakar, Tony Thomas, “ A Retrospective study on the key techniques of finger vein identification system”, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal , Volume 2 Issue 2 (2013), ISSN 2278-8697
Conferences | - IEEE Third International Conference on Advances In Computing And Communications (ACC) august 2013
- International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Engineering (ICMSCE-2013) organized by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation (IMRF).
- National Conference On pattern analysis and applied Intelligence (NCPAAI) 26-27 March 2013 conducted by Department of CSE, Central University of Kerala.
Teaching Interest | - C, DBMS, Compiler Design, Microprocessors, Computer Organization and Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems, Switching Theory and logic design.
Research Interest |
- Image Processing, Biometrics.
Expertise (software/technology/ machine) | |
Subjects handled | - Programming in C
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Software Engineering
- Operating Systems
- Digital Logic
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Compiler Design.
- Principles of programming language.
- DBMS Lab
- Digital Lab
- Microprocessors Lab
- Operating System Lab
- Compiler Lab
- Seminar and Project Preliminary.
FDP’s, Trainings/Certificate -courses ( Major Only) | - AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Five day FDP on Block Chain Conducted at College of Engineering Cherthala.
- AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on "Internet of Things" from 16-12-2019 to 20-12-2019 at National Power Training Institute, Alappuzha, Kerala.
- Coursera IBM Specialization Course on “Key technologies for business”.(Introduction to Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science)
- Coursera certificate on graph theory authorized by University of California San Diego and National Research University Higher School of Economics.
- Coursera certificate on “Getting Started with AI using IBM-WATSON”
- Coursera certificate on “Programming for Everybody” authorized by University of Michigan.
- “Elements of AI”, certificate authorized by University of Helsinki.
- Coursera project network certificate on “Database Operations in MariaDB using Python from Infosys”, December 2021.
- Coursera project network certificate on Build & Deploy AI messenger Chatbot using IBM Watson 2022.
- FDP on “Demystifying Cybersecurity organized by Department of CSE, College of Engineering, Karunagapally
- Five days FDP on “Artificial Intelligence”, organized by Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology.
Positions held | - Class Advisor /Class in Charge
- Department Library In Charge
- Time Table in charge (Dept of CSE)